Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Where the Wild Things Are

I am addicted to Pinterest. (Duh, right. Who isn't these days). Lately I find myself pinning quotes that inspire me. For as long as I have been able to read, I have always been drawn to the simplistic life lessons found in quotes.

I noticed a lot of the quotes I was pinning were layered onto beautiful photos which made a "light bulb" moment. Why don't I take my favorite quotes and put them on some of my favorite snapshots! (and why had I not thought of this before? why did it take countless wasted hours on a website to draw me to this idea?)

So here is my first photo quote. I hope to do this at least once a week (if not more) and eventually make a book out of them (or wallpaper a wall with them as a reminder to smile no matter the havoc my daily life).

This first quote is by one of my idols, Aldo Leopold. "There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot." I am one of those who canNOT live without wild things. I never feel more connected or at ease than when I am wandering the wilderness. Without all things wild I don't know who I would be. The photo was taken this past October (2012) in the backcountry of Yellowstone National Park. This late-evening snapshot of the mighty Yellowstone River is probably my favorite photo from our trip to the park; when I look at it I just see peacefulness.

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