Monday, March 19, 2012

"Are you sure it isn't a raven or somthing?"

Spring is here in the Northwoods (even though technically it is still winter)! And with the melting snow and warm sunshine comes hiking--LOTS of hiking. My husband and I can't get enough woodland wandering this time of year. I do believe the cabin fever has been cured.

The other night coming home from an after-work hike I saw something swoop down and jolt right back into the trees.

"Turn around! QUICK! I think I just saw an owl." I said to Paul.

"Are you sure? Are you sure it just wasn't a raven or something?" Paul replies.

"Yes. I am dead serious."

So there we were slowly creeping along the roadside trying to spot an owl. I couldn't see a thing. Paul dropped me off so I could hopefully get a better look and he did another lap with the truck. And before I knew it Paul had spotted the owl. A barred owl! We had taken countless journeys through the woods in numerous states but have only heard the call of various owls. We have never seen one...until that night.

I quickly snapped a photo, but spur-of-the-moment photo taking at dusk in March does not guarantee great photos, but I don't care. It's one of those photos that is more of a memory than a photographic accomplishment. My first in the wild owl. AWESOME! I live for these nature moments (Paul and I both do).

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