Monday, March 12, 2012

"Not Real Green"

It's March. The month of transition from Jack Frost to Sunshine Spring. And March can suck. You can get 24 inches of snow one weekend and 70 degrees + sunshine the next. Lucky for the residents of northern Wisconsin this past weekend was springtastic!

Mother Nature is all about celebrating the tiny victories. Such as seeing the snowbanks melt into the creek and having GREEN show. But as my husband says, "It's not real green. It's last year's leftovers." I don't care. It's green and not white. I gobble-up leftovers.

I call these little lichens Ogar Ears (they look like Sherk's ears in the movie Shrek), but they are actually called Pixie Cup lichen.  They are composed of algae and fungus, found on rotten logs and moss-covered forest floors. They look like the name implies--a tiny cup a 1/2 inch high. Legend says they were used by wood fairies to sip the morning dew from.

Welcome, Spring. (No matter if you are new or used!)

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